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My name is Ashley Kerns and I have been a General Education Classroom teacher for 11 years. I have always loved children and learning, so it was only natural for me to pursue teaching as a career. I am currently working on obtaining my second Master's degree from Michigan State University's Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program and will be finished in August 2017. I also hold a Masters in Literacy and Reading, and an undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from Grand Valley State University.

I started my career as a 2nd grade teacher in Twentynine Palms, California, where my husband was stationed with the United States Marine Corps. I was then lucky enough to loop with my students to 3rd grade. When my husband's contract was done with the USMC, we decided to move home to be with family. I then worked in Milan Area Schools for 8 years as a Fourth and Fifth grade teacher where I was co chair of my school's District Accreditation Committee, Grade Level Representative, and an active member of the Math, English Language Arts and Technology Committees. Within my classroom I piloted a 1:1 technology program first with netbooks, and then with Chromebooks. Students enjoyed several different 21st Century school scenarios such as "Flipped" instruction, Google Classroom, and participating in Skype and Google Hangout scenarios with authors, inventors and scientists. I also created a remedial math program for our students who were struggling. This was a grant funded program, that I pursued funding for annually. We met daily before school to play games, create math art, and participate in project based learning opportunities for students. Students also participated in real world learning opportunities with math such as planning meals for the group, budgeting out and going grocery shopping for breakfast foods for our classroom, and developing and presenting a “Math Fair” for their parents and peers that taught a concept the students chose themselves.

Currently, I am working in Dexter Community Schools and was a Second grade classroom teacher. There I have enjoyed 1:1 iPads in my classroom, and opportunities like Google Expeditions to take students on virtual field trips. I am a member of the English Language Arts committee and had the amazing opportunity to travel to Columbia University this summer to participate in Columbia University's Teacher's College Summer Writing Institute. During this learning opportunity I was able to learn from literacy experts, and collaborate with peers from across the country about writing instruction in classrooms.


Looking forward to next year, I will be transitioning from a classroom teacher to an Instructional Coach position where I will be supporting teachers in grades K-6 with a focus on literacy instruction and creating balanced literacy programs within our district’s classrooms. I am very excited for the opportunity to collaborate, coplan/coteach and support teachers in their classrooms as our district moves forward with updating curriculum and pracitces.


I am also involved in several county wide initiatives through the Washtenaw Intermediate School District. These initiatives include The Study of Early Literacy (SOEL), Changing the Equation using Intel Math (CEIM), Assessment Literacy, and training in the Next Generation Science Standards. These initiatives focus on incorporating instructional "best practices" into curriculum and sharing updated practices and resources with our colleagues.

Personally, I am a mother of three amazing kids who keep me on my toes and make me laugh everyday. We love to go for walks as a family, play at the park and travel together. On my own I love being part of a book group with other mom’s of young children where we get together to eat, socialize and sometimes discuss books that we had read with each other. I also love to do yoga as regularly as I can, and am signed up to become a certified yoga teacher over the next school year! I am also an active member of First Baptist Church of Ann Arbor where I have served on the Board of Christian Education and teach Christian education throughout the year.


This is a picture of my first graduating class from Michigan. 

This is a picture of my family.

This is a picture of my first graduating class from California

All images are taken from Mrs. Kerns' Class website and facebook page. All pictured minors have permission to be featured. 2017

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