Philosophy & Mission Statement
All children can learn. I believe that my job as an educator is to encourage and motivate students to achieve to their highest potentials. My goal is that each student leaves my room at the end of the school year knowing that they are not just another student, but family. A family that I care very much for and will continue to care for throughout their lives. I do this by creating a student centered classroom where all students are involved in creating classroom and community expectations, and then implementing these expectations consistently throughout the school year. Students are encouraged to voice their opinions, and I take time to connect with students about their day to day lies and interests. Lessons and content being taught in the classroom are relevant to their lives and encourage them to be proactive citizens in their local and global communities.
In a classroom, each student should know that they are safe and cared for. Students should be encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas with each other. Students need a safe environment to practice these skills, and guidance on how to be a positive and collaborative community member.They should be taught and shown that all opinions and viewpoints are heard, and that they are valued as part of the learning process through modeling from the teacher and practicing with each other. Students should have many opportunities to share their learning and thoughts with their peers. This empowers students to learn, grow and reflect on their own understandings.
Educators should be actively involved in their student’s learning process, taking time to give them whole group and small group instruction, or individualized attention based on their needs. Educators should work to engage in higher level questioning with their students to challenge and push their thinking. Lesson objectives should be clearly communicated or developed with the students before the start of a lesson so students are able to assess their own understanding and fully grasp the purpose of instruction. Each lesson should be designed to interest each student in the classroom community, and provides them time to reflect and respond to their learning in a variety of different ways. I believe that if students are given a voice in their education and are encouraged and empowered to explore their interests and wonderings that it will help develop life-long learners.
21st century skills should be integrated throughout the curriculum and the classroom should be blended by using technology to enhance lessons and teaching. I believe that students need opportunities to use technology to expand their physical limitations and go beyond the confines of the classroom to find information and present their learning. This allows students to develop their curiosity and become personally invested in their learning. I believe that students also need time for discovery and that they need opportunities with project based and hands on learning activities that bring movements such as #MakerEd into the classroom. This enables students to think in new and creative ways, as well as push their thinking beyond what is presented in the classroom. Students should be able to display their understanding for authentic audiences beyond their teachers and parents so they can connect with new people and celebrate their learning.
I believe that educators should be facilitators of their students’ learning, and teach them how to become responsible for their own learning. Students should be involved by the use of rubrics, goal setting, self-evaluation and self-check strategies. Teachers should provide students with immediate feedback that helps direct student learning, and challenge them to think beyond their first attempts at learning. Students should be taught and encouraged to evaluate their own work and accomplishments, and learn the important skill of self-appraisal and intrinsic motivation. Classrooms should work together as a community to share thoughts and ideas, and work on giving effective feedback to each other. This enables students to succeed and develop the skills needed to become lifelong learners.
My mission as a teacher is to participate in my students’ learning as a facilitator that encourages reflective, self directed learning, self confidence and inspires life long learning. I will integrate technology and connect content to my student’s lives and the community they live in. This enables me to develop proactive, compassionate and responsible citizens who are passionate about their world.

Student practice active listening during "Connections" time.