A Peek Inside My Classroom

English Language Arts Activities (ELA)
I am trained in the Lucy Calkin's Reader's and Writer's Workshop model. Reading and Writing Instruction are delivered in a workshop model where students are actively involved and responsible for their work. I use this time to group students in a variety of ways to best meet their needs and to help each child grow as a reader and writer. Strategy and Intervention lessons are developed using the Making Meaning Curriculum.
Reading and Writing are keystones to the other subject areas and are integrated through out the curriculum. Content specific vocabulary lessons and opportunities for reading and writing are provided on a daily basis to enhance science, social studies and math lessons as well as traditional reading and writing lessons.
Read Alouds, book club books and mentor texts are selected to teach students about 5 pillar characteristics, diversity and overcoming adversity. Technology is integrated through the use of Seesaw, Google Classroom, and other Google for Education Apps.
Math Activities
Math instruction and lessons are based on the Everyday Math Curriculum adopted by our district. I use a math workshop model so that students are able to receive whole class, small group and individual instruction. Students have many opportunities to participate in rich tasks using Nrich Maths, and hands on learning tasks that demonstrate how math fits in our everyday lives. Students are encouraged to share their thinking and problem solving processes. Supplemental activities are implemented as needed using technology, games and hands on activities.
3-5 Intervention Activities
The 3-5 Math Intervention class was an extended day program funded by Title I monies and grants I had written. The curriculum was adapted from the Everyday Math Curriculum for grades 3, 4 &5. We focused on basic math skills and reteaching concepts being introduced with games, technology and hands on activities. We use NRich Maths and STEAM activities as a way to teach students problem solving and collaboration skills. We also incorporated real life math experiences such as planning parties, going grocery shopping and budgeting, and raising money and distributing it to local charities that the students felt strongly about.

Science lessons are developed using the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Lessons are developed using a natural phenomena to engage students and allow for opportunities for higher level questioning and thinking. Collaborative work is at the center of science activities to help teach students how to communicate, collaborate and problem solve as a team. Technology is used regularly to enhance lessons and to allow students time to explore concepts and produce artifacts representing their learning. Lesson are supplemented using Engineering is Elementary program for hands on, project based learning curriculum that allow students opportunities to solve real world problems using the Engineering Model for problem solving
Social Studies
Lessons are developed using the district adopted curriculum and integrated into English Language Arts for cross curricular learning and more opportunities for students to work with a variety of texts that are historically based and both fiction and non fiction. Technology is used regularly to enhance lessons and deepen student's learning. I look for both technology based virtual and real life based field trips to expose students to as many historical events as possible, as well as connecting students to real historians, economists, political scientists and geographers who can share their knowledge and expertise with my students.
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Language Arts
Science & Social Studies