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MAET Graduate Work

Student Centered Learning
Welcome to my showcase of graduate work from the Master of Arts in Educational Technology program at Michigan State University. This is a collection of work that I am extremely proud of and feel that it highlights the effort and learning that I have put forth throughout this program. You will find that I have divided my work into three categories: Student Centered Learning, Transforming the Classroom and Leadership with Technology. All of the pieces in these categories focus on using technology as a tool to enhance learning for both students and teachers, while creating lessons and activities that provide authentic and reflective opportunities for learning.
You can find a complete collection of my work on my graduate blog: Mrs. Kerns' Teachnology
Transforming the Classroom
#MakerEd - Teach This, Not That!
As a culminating project to my Maker Ed course, I created an infographic challenging teachers to think beyond "normal" lessons that are typically used in classrooms and are focused on worksheets and "sit and get" instruction, and to instead think of ways to think outside the box. By using the Maker's Movement model teachers are able to integrate technology, and provide students with hands on, project based learning that is authentic and meaningful to each child based on their experiences.
Teaching Complex Thinking- A Wicked Problem
Questioning and teaching Complex Thinking is a skill set that isn't always taught in the classroom, but should be. For this assignment I researched the benefits of teaching complex thinking skills and providing students with meaningful learning experiences with a group of my peers. We combined our learning experiences into a presentation on why and how to include these important strategies in teaching.
Teaching Students Online - Growing Readers
During my CEP 813 Teaching Online Learners course I designed a supplemental reading course for my elementary aged readers and their families. Students receive lessons in a "flipped manner" and then practice and submit their learning via online learning platforms Padlet and Seesaw.
Minecraft in the Classroom
I created a lesson that combined the video game Minecraft with teaching perimeter using second grade CCSS math standards. The lesson had to be able to provide students with immediate feedback, as well as allow them to reflect and adapt their thinking as needed.
Rubric 4.0
I created this rubric to use as a guide while creating lessons and examining practices in the classroom. Each of the categories that I chose to include are focused on creating meaningful learning experiences and opportunities for formative assessment and feedback that allows students to learn and grow to their full potentials. With the Rubric you will also find an explanation as to why and how teachers should be using formative assessment in their classrooms.
Formative Assessment Design
This assessment design piece evaluated how educators use assessment in the classroom. I examined how I use formative assessment in my classroom with the help of technology and how I can continue to use formative assessment and technology in lessons to provide students with opportunities to present their learning, reassess and readdress as needed. This is a concept that teacher leaders should be using and modeling for their colleagues in their classrooms.
A Makey Makey Lesson
This lesson was created using a Makey Makey Kit. The lesson standards were based on the CCSS Grade 2 Reading standards. Students were required to use the Makey Makey Kit to create a fun and interactive read aloud where they incorporated a sound key board with their story retell. Students could replace words or characters with sounds using the kit and the computer. The students really enjoyed this version or a retell!
Networked Learning
I taught myself how to make hand lettered and painted wooden signs using only youtube tutorials and blogs. This concept was an eye opening experience for me and lends itself nicely to online learning and "flipped classroom" concepts that are being used in classrooms currently.
Leadership through Technology

I reviewed Course Management Systems (CMS) Platforms that can be used in a lower elementary, general education setting. After examining Google Classroom, Edmodo and Seesaw, I came to the conclusion that Seesaw was the best CMS for a lower elementary setting. The intuitiveness and ease of use mad this platform an easy choice initially. However, after diving deeper into the CMS and seeing all of the ways that it could be used I knew that I had found the right choice for my classroom, and that I could promote and share it with other lower elementary teachers.
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