Reflecting Back, Moving Forward
If I am being honest with myself, I can say that I was first motivated to apply for this program because I was frustrated. I had a one to one (1:1) program for several years before my colleagues started to slowly get 1:1 technology in their classrooms. I was frustrated with seeing my colleagues frustrated with the lack of support and training they received on how to successfully implement a 1:1 program, or even how to use technology in their classrooms for more than a tool that students “consumed” technology with. My original hope, was that I would obtain knowledge, take it back to my colleagues, and share what I had learned in the form of offering PD, coaching and resources. I wanted to be a technology leader in my district.
I also felt like I had hit a wall in my own classroom. After having a successful 1:1 program in my classroom for the past five years, I felt I had taken myself as far as I could on my own. I was unsure of new ways I could incorporate technology into instruction and really wanted to learn more than I could teach myself. I have always strived to keep learning relevant to my student’s lives. With changes in society, technology is readily available. I am no longer teaching how to use technology for the basics. These students come to me knowing how, I now need to teach them how to use technology appropriately and how it enriches their learning.
I have gained so much knowledge about teaching and learning with technology. I am able to apply new ideas and methods with technology effectively in the classroom in ways that I would never been able to teach myself to do. I have pushed myself out of my comfort zones, and expanded my ideas on technology in the classroom. I am able to help my students become more tech savvy and creative, while also finding authentic audiences to share their knowledge with. As I have pushed myself to learn more, my student have also become comfortable with exploring, failing and learning on their own through experiences I have implemented with knowledge from this course.
This program has opened doors up that I would have never had on my own, such as moving districts, and transitioning into an instructional coaching position. So, my goals have stayed the same, but have also changed with my new role. Moving forward I want to develop meaningful, and engaging technology experiences in my classroom. However, these experiences will now be in the form of Professional Development opportunities for my colleagues. I will also continue to push myself to learn more about technology use in the classroom, and have a goal that I will be able to help other teachers move their students from consuming technology, to producing with technology as a way to share their knowledge with their classmates, school, communities and world.
As I look back in my rearview mirror as I continue to travel forward, I am so proud of myself and of how far I have come. This program has provided so many wonderful learning opportunities, and I now feel that I have the confidence to step outside my comfort zone, implement technology in new ways, and help my colleagues do the same.